Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Fall/winter Garden

This year, I decided to finally try my hand at winter gardening. I went to Kramer's, which is located here in McMinnville Oregon, and found that they had a wonderful little cold crop section. Cold crops are crops that do not require a green house. Some of the starts that I bought were broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, lettuce, and swizz chard. I am also interested in growing some bok choy, which did very well in early spring. The people at Kramer's told me that they get their deliveries on Wednesday and they should have more things such as cabbage and brussels sprouts. I used coco mulch to try and keep away slugs.

If you have any suggestions on other crops I could grow please comment below.

Coco mulch is bad for dogs and as you can tell on the picture they like it. Make sure that you keep the mulch out of areas that dogs frequent.


  1. I think you may be interested in reading my homesteading blog, which has a lot of information about gardening in our area.

    Speaking of slugs, I have horrible problems here with them (don't we all in this area?). Anyway, I am conducting experiments on exactly what will and will not repel/kill them.

    Cocoa mulch... I'm supposing someone is thinking that the coarseness is supposed to repel the slugs? Hmmm... I will need to experiment with that as well, but considering the experiments I have conducted so far with coarse materials, I kind of doubt it will work. Unfortunately there are many garden remedies that people talk about that simply do not work. Egg shells, copper, coffee grounds, etc. And many, many people swear by beer, but I've found that some slugs will drown but others will take a big fat drink of beer and then move on to your plants.

    You can see pictures of these experiments on my website.

  2. Thanks Amy,

    I started following your blog as soon as I read your reply in idigmygarde.

    Thank you for the info. Love your blog.

  3. Maybe you could plant Fava Beans, Rutabaga, or Parsnips. Though, I'm not sure if you would need a cold frame or not..I am not well educated with the procedures. Also, here is a link to natural slug repellent methods.

  4. Hey Efrain,

    I just bumped into your blog. I noticed you haven't blogged in a while. Must be busy huh.

